In 2007, the RBI issued a 5 rupees commemorative coin honoring Bal Gangadhar Tilak. However, the lettering on the coin in Hindi mentioned Tilak as Tilakji. Bal Gangadhar Tilak is never referred to as Tilakji. Adding Ji at the end of the name is an Indian practice to show respect to the person (eg Gandhiji). At the inauguration of the coin at Delhi, the error was immediately brought to the notice of the authorities. Except for the low number of coins circulated on that day, no other such coins were circulated. Hence this coin became an error as well as rare coin of Republic of India.
Some unconfirmed reports mentioned that the error was brought to the notice of the authorities by Raj Thackeray. Fearing tension, the withdrawal decision was taken.
The steel coin is even rarer.
If you are interested in purchasing this coin, please contact us via the contact page on this website.
pl tell selling price
yes, i am interested in purchasing the TILAKJI COIN @ rs.2,000/-. let me know your offer price also
I can arrange for this coin @4000/- currently.
do u hav these coin…..
can u please contact me
I am having this coin i can give you at Rs 3000.
I like to have these coins, kindy intimate me the details.
I am Interested in this coin, mail me at sudhir_h at
i am interested in this TILAKJI coin,i can arrange Rs.2500.00
i am interested to buy TILAKJI coin…………..can u give ur no.
Sir i have a 1 coin tilak ji
i ma intresred in purchasing the coin.,..,.get back to me
I have a set of tilakji and tilak both copper nickel UNC condition.